Is it fair to work hard long hours, and just get paid enough to pay rent? I personally don’t think so. This one of the biggest problems employees in fast food restaurants experience every day, is the fact of getting pay low wage salaries after working many hours a day and getting a half and our break if they get to have one And know that by the end of the week they are going to have enough money only to pay rent and buy groceries. This may affect teenagers a lot,and because of this reason they don’t get to focus on school, but imagine how hard is it for the other employees who have to support houses;and what about their other needs? They need to buy clothes for them and their kids, school supplies, furniture and other things for their houses, or maybe support their families in other countries. They have to choose if either get an extra job to earn enough to support their houses and families, which wouldn't allow them to be with their families and or get to spend some time with their kids and cut other necessities.
“While the real value of the wages paid to restaurant workers has declined for the past three decades, the earnings of restaurant company executives have risen considerably” As Eric Schlosser states pg 173 behind the counter. Is not fear that when we employees do a lot more work than managers get paid so little.
The cheery faces of McDonald's employees seen in television commercials mask the reality behind the counter, a group of former fast-food workers suggested yesterday. Other complaints include low wages usually the minimum wage, unpaid overtime and on-the-job accidents. As this article from lexisNexis (poor working conditions, low paid among complaints) states. Their salaries are so low that they don’t even feel like being at work, and the worse part of everything is the fact that some employees are force to stay there since that’s their only option to get money for many reasons for example: age, gender, some others are illegal, or they just can’t find another job.
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