Monday, June 7, 2010

The Terrifying Truth Behind Slaughterhouses

Everyday while thousands of people enjoy eating a variety of meats, there is a cruel truth running behind the closed doors of slaughterhouses, before producers deliver perfectly packaged meat to the meat markets. A truth that is cruel to animals and leaves the word human ethics without any value. I will discuss the procedure workers fallow, the reasons why this one is unethical and the government actions to stop animal mistreatment in slaughterhouses.
Rights are a moral, ethical, or legal principle considered as an underlying cause of truth, justice, morality, or ethics as the dictionary of reference explains. When people think of the word rights does the meaning of the word applies to all type of beings? Most of the times not, people tend to think of the human specie as more valuable and superior than the animal specie which lead to the idea that in humans perspective animals are in a lower position than human beings and therefore have limited rights.
The average Americans eats more than 200 pounds of red meat, poultry, and fish per year. That’s an increase of 23 pounds over 1970 which was a year where these food were being excessively consumed.

This issue wouldn’t cross most peoples mind and we all should do something about it after all we are the ones who beneficiate the most from animals and we should educate everybody from kids to the elderly about how animals are being abuse in slaughters houses. Animals should have rights in fact they do but they are not being followed is it really so hard to give them a painless death to treat them we a little bit of respect I mean we all live in the same world we need them in order to survive.
Cruelty is experience everyday in a million different slaughterhouses by people who consider animals as simple products with no capacity to feel pain, Animals in slaughterhouses can smell, hear, and often see the slaughter of those before them. As the animals struggle, the human workers, who are pressured to keep the lines moving quickly, often react with impatience towards the animals.
According to the book The Ethics of What We Eat by Peter Singer, a typical chicken shed and you will experience a burning feeling in your eyes and your lungs, that’s the ammonia that comes from the birds droppings, which are allowed to piled up on the floor without being cleaned out for an entire year and sometimes for several years.
High amounts of ammonia have several effects on chickens, they develop heart disease, sores on their feet, breast blisters and also cause many of them to go blind.
One study found that 90 percent of broilers had detectable leg problems, while 26 percent suffered chronic pain as a result of bone disease. The broilers don’t move not because they are overstock but because it hurt it’s joints. Te worse part is that this cause them paralysis and they lose control over their legs. Paralyze birds cannot get food or water and because many growers don’t have the time or just don’t want to check on each bird, these die of thirst or starvation.
Pigs also suffer different mutilations by workers who’s job is cutting off their tails, clipping their needle teeth and castrating them without an anesthetic, all of this pain done to the poor pigs as Wayne Bradley, an Iowa pig producer excused with ignorant quotes like the “tails are cut off so that they won’t bite each other’s” or “it would be an expense that is obviously going to cost money” he says there is not a dollar per pig to throw away. This kind of procedure is inhuman, unethical and is frustrating. This is not the procedure most people think of when eating chicken at KFC, Mc Donald’s, restaurants or their own homes and this is because people is not informed of what’s going on in slaughterhouses
Eric Schlosser describes one of the nations largest slaughterhouses kill floor where
dozens of cattle, stripped of their skins, dangle of chains from their hind legs.
Most of the workers found in a slaughterhouse are illegal immigrants. They earn lower wages than regular production employees. They work for several hours, in really dangerous conditions, putting their selves on risk, in order to make a salary that would provide their families in other countries. Workers are giving an specified procedure to follow with each animal, this one is supposed to be done is seconds, non stopping and with all the pressure they have on them and after working for so many hours workers don’t have the chance to treat animals carefully, but instead cruel and fast.
With the limited amount of time they dispose the only thing they are able to do is grab them quickly by a leg and put them thru each stage. Since they have seconds for each animal there is no time to think about the fact that animals can feel pain.
As a matter of fact the necessity of these people to get money don’t let them feel compassion for animals. Sometimes after working for a long period of time people lose conscious of the animals screaming and struggling when passing thru the steps.
Animal liberation by Peter Singer provides the definition of the word “speciesism” a prejudice or attitude of bias in favor of the interest of members of one’s own species and against those members of other species. Difficult to believe but the word applies to many meat factory owners when defending themselves against health inspectors questions about the bad procedures they use when killing animals.
These ones say that animals don’t have the ability to feel pain and therefore it should not matter the way they are being treated. Putting animals as just simple products that need to be killed in order for people to consume them and for the factory owners to get a profit.
Ethics, the study and evaluation of human conduct in the light of moral principles. Moral principles may be viewed either as the standard of conduct that individuals have constructed for themselves or as the body of obligations and duties that a particular society requires of its members. In other words ethics are a type of unwritten rules that people follow every time they perform an action having in mind not to hurt our surroundings mentally or physically. When actions like hurting and animal just for fun occur the meaning of the word human ethics disappeared. The fact that we are humans, and have so many capacities (thinking logically), don’t give us the right to treat animals with such a cruelty.
Instead we should treat animals more kindly, because we are very similar in many ways. We both breath, communicate with our species, eat, and we both have the ability to feel pain. Even though some people consumed them there is not real need for people to cause animals a painful, and irritating death.

Mammals killed for foods in the U.S. unlike chickens, ducks, and turkeys are required by law to be stunned before being killed. This is a step that may help the animals to be conscious where getting killed and that way not feel that much pain. Somehow effective when done the right way but it has been proven that not a hundred percent of slaughterhouses are able to stun all the animals on the first attempt.
With the hundreds of animals killed every hour inspectors are rarely present, and when they do come, the company has already been advise so that they could act in a different while they check everything, even when inspectors find violation in the factories they take actions even though they should.
California passed a law – the "downed animal" law – prohibiting the slaughter of non-ambulatory animals and requiring slaughterhouses holding such animals to euthanize them immediately. This law was passed after many people watch a video where
non-ambulatory cows at a California slaughterhouse were kicked, electrocuted, dragged with chains, and rammed with forklifts. The first reaction people were upset to
the fact that cows were going trough an inhuman unnecessary treatment. They were also worried that the meet they consume could come from cows who were ill before dying.
To conclude it is crucial that the government step in the process of slaughtering, while animals must die for meat they need not necessarily suffer. The little weak laws that protect some animals when being slaughter are not being enforce and there for factories do not follow them. Also inspectors should be more careful when visiting a factory, they should make sure everything is done according to safety regulations. In order for the animals to have a painless and more ethical death.

Work Cited

Singer, Peter, and Jim Mason. The Ethics of What We Eat: Why Our Food Choices Matter. [Emmaus, Pa.]: Rodale, 2006. Print.

Schlosser, Eric. Fast Food Nation: the Dark Side of the All-American Meal. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2001. Print.

Singer, Peter. Animal Liberation. New York: Avon, 1977. Print.

Colb, Sherry F. "Federal Appeals Court Rejects Preemption Claim Against California "Downed Animal" Law: A Victory for Animal Rights?" FindLaw's Writ | Legal Commentary. 14 Apr. 2010. Web. 07 June 2010. .

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Essay #1 by Carolina

Should Fast Food Advertising be Allowed In Schools?

During the course of the years, a variety of countries have experienced an epidemic of obesity, in which fast food restaurants have been the major cause. This problem affects students who are exposed to advertisements a lot in their schools. Fast food restaurants are the major cause of obesity; they take advantage of kids by promoting irresistible advertising and the consequences these ones bring, are not very attractive.
These fast food companies have grown enormously, and some of the ways in which they show their products is by advertising. This tactic is very effective for these companies, but very damaging for the community, especially for children who are attracted to advertisements, commercials, and posters. In these ads, fast-food products look very provocative. Companies have been studying children’s behavior for a long time, as Eric Schlosser discusses In “Your Trusted Friends” they send cultural anthropologist into homes, stores, places where kids like to gather, quietly observing their action, searching for most minute detail that may help when choosing the type of advertisement they would be offering them. This is really bad, when talking about health, because they have study kids so much that they come up with ideas of how to manipulate these kids so that they could get their parent to obtain these products.
The biggest concern with these foods is that they are made out of calories and fat, that not only affects our appearance but also our health.
Children spend half of the day in schools. Places where they are suppose to learn new things that would help them in their future, and also a place where they get to relate with others. When parents send their kids to school, they believe they’re going to a safe place, with a healthy environment. The last thing they would want is to have their kids learning the wrong material, for example poor eating habits. The big problem is; that schools are promoting these advertisements, which are giving kids the wrong impression of a good meal because that’s what they think they are, healthy products. Therefore one of the first places where fast food advertising should not be allowed is in schools, because when a child sees fast-food ads many times a day the only thing this child will have in mind is these food products, and on their way home, most likely they will ask their parents to buy them. Another factor is the hectic lives of many parents, many times instead of a healthy well balanced meal, people are turning to fast food for a quick fix at mealtime.
Eating too much of the wrong kinds of food and not getting enough exercise are the major causes of obesity. Fast food products are full of calories that affect our health. As researcher Shanthy A. Bowman study has shown “The fats, sugar, and salt in fast food draw kids like a magnet, largely because they appeal to a child's "primordial tastes," .This taste triggers more eating later in the day. And, because fast food doesn't contain much fiber, kids don't feel full afterward -- so they eat more later”. They know that children have a taste for salty, fatty and sweet foods which most of the time are empty calories that result in obesity. Obesity comes with many other complication along it’s way, increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, breathing problems, trouble sleeping and it can also cause children and adolescents to suffer from a low-self esteem. Feeling different from their peers, affecting them not only physicall and with their health, but also emotionally. The risk our kids faced when eating fast food are to dangerous, one of the biggest reason why schools should not patronize these companies, because they put our kids lives in danger. We need to be more conscious of what type of meals our kids are eating and what kind of environment are they exposed to not only outside but inside their schools too.
According to research many middle schools and high schools offer more unhealthy food than nutritious food. As John Koshuta states “The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) serves twenty-nine million school children every day and costs American taxpayers more than $7 billion a year to provide "nutritionally balanced" meals”. However most of these kids fill up with chips, cookies, sodas and a lot more junk food that don’t offer them nothing good but fats, calories and sodium. For all of these reasons is crucial to remove fast food advertising from every single school in the country because children deserve better lives.
A study by the researchers from the National Bureau of Economic Research have shown that, a ban on fast food advertisements in the United States could reduce the number of overweight children by as much as 18 percent, a pretty big amount when we are only talking about schools, this is the right moment to start a healthy life, a big step that others might follow.
In conclusion fast food advertising should not be allowed in schools. Because this is a place where kids should feel safe and out of danger and these ads expose kids into eating unhealthy meals, that will only cause them their physical and emotional lives. There is something we could do to help our community and our children end obesity or at least reduce the percentage of people enrolled in this problem and is by stopping fast-food ads, because if we do not see them the temptation to eat is smaller.

Work Cited

Koshuta, John. "Junk Food Ads, Fast Food Increasing Teen Obesity." Independent News on Natural Health, Nutrition and More. 09 Oct. 2007. Web. 28 Apr. 2010.
Davis, Jeanie Lerche. "Fast Food Creates Fat Kids." WebMD - Better Information. Better Health. Web. 29 Apr. 2010.
Schlosser, Eric.” Your Trusted Friends. “Fast Food Nation: the Dark Side of the All-American Meal. Boston: Houghton Mifflin,2001.31-58.Print

"Ban On Fast Food TV Advertising Would Reverse Childhood Obesity Trends, Study Shows." Science Daily: News & Articles in Science, Health, Environment & Technology. 29 Nov. 2008. Web. 29 Apr. 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010

While thousands of people enjoy delicious hamburgers made in fast food restaurants for a very cheap price, there is a cruel truth behind the closed doors of slaughterhouses before producers deliver perfectly packaged meat to our grocery stores. Millions of animals are being abuse by workers who don't care about the poor animals but instead torture them for fun. In 1960, the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act was passed but unfortunately everyday laws are being violated. I believe that as reasonable human beings that we are, we should have some respect for animals, the least thing we could do for animals before consuming them is at least giving them a painless death for this reason it's crucial that the government regulate slaughterhouses more often, in order to make sure animals don't get abused.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

“ MLA Annotated Bibliography on Fast Food Restaurants and schools."

1. Proximity of Fast-Food Restaurants to Schools and Adolescent Obesity.
Davis, Brennan, and Christopher Carpenter. "Proximity of Fast-Food Restaurants to Schools and Adolescent Obesity." American Journal of Public Health 99.3 (2009): 505-510. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 26 Apr. 2010.
This article explains how the proximity of fast food restaurants to schools affects children’s health. Since these restaurants are just a couple of blocks away from their schools these places are the ones kids visit the most. The distance between schools and fast food restaurants is so small, that most of the times as soon as the students get out of school go over to get a quick meal.

Wood M. KIDS, FAST FOOD, & OBESITY. Agricultural Research [serial online]. October 2009;57(9):20-21. Available from: Academic Search Complete, Ipswich, MA. Accessed April 26, 2010
Fast food restaurants offer a kid’s meal, made out of a small portions of products made by the company, the problem with these meals is that no all of them meet the standards set by the national school lunch program, some of them being to high in fat, but to low in protein. The fact that they don’t meet the standards set by the school, is very scary because when we think of schools we think of a safety place that is going to lead our kids down the right path. But instead they are being infected by these bunch of calories that are affecting they health.

3.Fast food: unfriendly and unhealthy.
Stender, S., J. Dyerberg, and A. Astrup. "Fast food: unfriendly and unhealthy." International Journal of Obesity 31.6 (2007): 887-890. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 26 Apr. 2010.
Studies have shown that obesity might be cause by many different factors we acquire while consuming fast food products. The source shows and example base on monkey’s bodies reactions after an unhealthy diet (fast food) compare to a healthy one. Fast food products contribute to weight gain, obesity, type 2 diabetes and coronary artery disease. Is crucial that as reasonable human beings that we are to paid more attention to what we consume, we only get to live once and we need to appreciate our lives and health.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Ban on Fast Food Advertising in Schools

Should Fast Food Advertising be Allowed In Schools?

Fast food restaurants are the major cause of obesity; they take advantage of kids by promoting irresistible advertising and the consequences these ones bring, are not very attractive. During the course of the years, a variety of countries have experienced an epidemic of obesity, in which fast food restaurants have been the major cause. This problem affects not only adults but children most.

These fast food companies have grown enormously, and some of the ways in which they show their products is by advertising. This tactic is very effective for these companies, but very damaging for the community, especially for children who are attracted to advertisements, commercials, and posters. In these ones, fast-food products look very provocative. Companies have been studying children’s behavior for a long time, as Eric Schlosser discusses In “Your Trusted Friends” they send cultural anthropologist into homes, stores, places where kids like to gather, quietly observing their action, searching for most minimum detail that may help when choosing the type of advertisement they would be offering them. This is really bad, when talking about health, because they have study kids so much that they come up with ideas of how to manipulate these kids so that they could get their parent to obtain these products.
The biggest concern with these foods is that they are made out of calories and fat, that not only affects our appearance but also our health. One of the most efficient ways to help our community and our children to end obesity or at least reduce the percentage of people enrolled in this problem is stopping fast-food ads, because if we do not see them the temptation to eat is smaller.

Children spend half of the day in schools. A place where they are suppose to learn new things, that would help them in their future, and also a place where they get to relate with others. When parents send their kids to school, they believe their going to a safety place, with a healthy environment. The last thing they would want is to have their kids learning the wrong material, like bad diet habits. This is what the big problem is; that schools are promoting these advertisings, that are giving kids the wrong impression of a good meal because that’s what they think they are, healthy products. Therefore one of the first places where there should not be allowed Fast food advertising is in schools, because when a child sees ads of fast-food many times a day the only thing this child will have in mind is these food products, and on their way home, most likely he will ask his parents to buy them. Another issue that has a lot to do with this is the hectic lives of many parents and their children, many times instead of a healthy well balanced meal, people are turning to fast food for a quick fix at mealtime.

Eating too much of the wrong kinds of food and not getting enough exercise are the major causes of obesity. Fast food products are full of calories that affect our health. As researcher Shanthy A. Bowman study has shown “The fats, sugar, and salt in fast food draw kids like a magnet, largely because they appeal to a child's "primordial tastes," .This taste triggers more eating later in the day. And, because fast food doesn't contain much fiber, kids don't feel full afterward -- so they eat more later”. And the portion large portion sizes contribute to overweight and obesity. Obesity comes with many other complication along it’s way, increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, breathing problems, trouble sleeping and it can also cause children and adolescents to suffer from a low-self esteem. Feeling different from their peers, affecting them not only physically, with their healthiness but also emotionally. The risk our kids faced when eating fast food are to dangerous, one of the biggest reason why schools should not patronize these companies, because they put our kids lives in danger. We need to be more conscious of what type of meals our kids are eating and what kind of environment are they exposed to not only outside but inside their schools too.
According to research many middle schools and high schools offer more unhealthy food than nutritious food. As John Koshuta states “The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) serves twenty-nine million school children every day and costs American taxpayers more than $7 billion a year to provide "nutritionally balanced" meals”. However most of these kids fill up with chips, cookies, sodas and a lot more junk food that don’t offer them nothing good but fats, calories and sodium. For all of these reasons is crucial to remove fast food advertising from every single school in the country because children deserve better lives.

A study by the researchers from the National Bureau of Economic Research have shown that, a ban on fast food advertisements in the United States could reduce the number of overweight children by as much as 18 percent, a pretty big amount when we only talking about schools, this is the right place to start a healthy life, that others might follow. In conclusion fast food advertising should not be allowed in schools. Because this is a place where kids should feel safe and out of danger and these ads expose kids into eating unhealthy meals, that will only cause them their physical and emotional lives.

Work Cited

Koshuta, John. "Junk Food Ads, Fast Food Increasing Teen Obesity." Independent News on Natural Health, Nutrition and More. 09 Oct. 2007. Web. 28 Apr. 2010.
Davis, Jeanie Lerche. "Fast Food Creates Fat Kids." WebMD - Better Information. Better Health. Web. 29 Apr. 2010.
Schlosser, Eric.” Your Trusted Friends. “Fast Food Nation: the Dark Side of the All-American Meal. Boston: Houghton Mifflin,2001.31-58.Print

"Ban On Fast Food TV Advertising Would Reverse Childhood Obesity Trends, Study Shows." Science Daily: News & Articles in Science, Health, Environment & Technology. 29 Nov. 2008. Web. 29 Apr. 2010

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Should fast food advertizing be allowed in schools?

Tittle: Should fast food advertizing be allowed in schools?

Thesis statement: Fast food restaurants are the major cause of obesity; they take advantage of kids by promoting irresistible advertizing. Body p#1 During the course of the years, a variety of countries have experienced an epidemic of obesity, in which fast food restaurants have been the major cause. This problem affects not only adults but children most. These fast food companies have grown enormously, and some of the ways in which they show their products is by advertising. This tactic is very effective for these companies, but very damaging for the community, especially for children who are attracted to advertisements, commercials, and posters. In these ones fast-food products look very provocative. The biggest concern of these products is that they are made out of calories and fat, that not only affects our appearance but also our health. One of the most efficient ways to help our community and our children to end obesity or at least reduce the percentage of people enrolled in this problem is stopping fast-food ads, because if we do not see them the temptation to eat is smaller.
body p#2 Children spend half of the day in schools, a place where they learn new things and also get to relate with others. Therefore one of the first places where they should not be allowed Fast food advertising is in schools, because children see posters of food so many times a day that all they’ll have in mind is these food items, and upon arrival home, they will ask their parents to buy them. Another problem that has much to do with childhood obesity is weak parents that to please their children bring them to these places very often. In some cases it is because parents feel guilty for not sharing much time with their children and takes them to eat, in other cases is because fast food is a lot cheaper than healthy food.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Annotated Bibliography in MLA Format

Zurlinden, Jeffrey. "Fast Food's Hidden Dangers | Healthy Facts | Diet Facts | Food Facts." Healthy Facts Important Information | Food Facts | Diet Facts. Web. 19 Apr. 2010.

This source explains many of the hidden facts of what fast food restaurants are made out of, the dangers, and what we expose ourselves to when consuming their products.

Eisler, Peter, Blake Morrison, and Anthony DeBarros. Fast-food Standards for Meat Top Those for School Lunches - News, Travel, Weather, Entertainment, Sports, Technology, U.S. & World - 09 Dec. 2009. Web. 19 Apr. 2010.

In this source you are able to identify how fast food products provided by schools, are related with the range of obesity we are facing with our children.

Andrews, John. "Surprise Ingredients in Fast Food." Independent News on Natural Health, Nutrition and More. 03 Nov. 2007. Web. 19 Apr. 2010.

This article describes on how a simple-looking "healthy" menu can be as deceiving as the Trans fat, artificial flavors and many others unwanted hidden ingredients we never seem to find out about. That silently starts to affect our health and our appearance.

Fletcher, Jason M., David Frisvold, and Nathan Tefft. "How Effective a Remedy to Help Combat Child Obesity?" Health Affairs. 1 Apr. 2010. Web. 19 Apr. 2010.

This source shows the explanations of three assistant professors' conclusions on the relationship between sweetened beverages and obesity based on studies of young school kids. They also give us recommendations on how we can improve our drinking habits and lead healthier lives.

"New Studies Show Children Surrounded by Unhealthy Options | Institute for Health Research and Policy | University of Illinois at Chicago." Institute for Health Research and Policy | University of Illinois at Chicago | Advancing Health Practice and Policy through Collaborative Research. 25 Sept. 2007. Web. 19 Apr. 2010.

With young kids nowadays not getting enough physical education required to at least keep in shape, not even after school helps. After the school day being over, kids are glued to the television with little to no movement. Instead, they should be playing outside, where they can burn all of the bad calories consumed, meanwhile having fun and enjoying the rest of the day with their friends.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Whiskey a Beverage Everyone Can Have

It is very impressive and shocking to know what the secrets behind what we eat are. After reading THE CONSUMER A Republic of Fat I have a better idea of what I consume everyday in almost every little thing I eat, (Corn) huge amounts of corn that have been change into many products we consume. One of a thing that shock me the most after reading this piece was in the 1820’s, unbelievably amounts of whiskey were being produces with high fructose corn syrup, and the worst part was that everybody was drinking it from grown men and women to kids. As the reading states people were “drinking the hard stuff at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, before work and after and very often during.” Something that is very difficult to imagine, how can people work and be efficient in this state? Compare to our situation right now that drinking under 21 is illegal for many good reasons as our bodies not being able to work all our senses well. The fact that people were drinking so much had really bad consequences, Lost of jobs, families were break apart, vandalism and many others. Another consequence of the over produced corn bushels, is obesity. We tend to eat more than what actually satisfy us, We now eat whatever we have in hands, and since most products from ketchup or mustard, bread or crackers, big Mac, and nuggets, and of course sodas are made from corn which is to turn into calories in other words cheap energy that we are not burning and is making our population get fat.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Say NO to Soda Taxes

I disagree a hundred percent with soda Taxes, not just because I’m a big fan of soda (Coca-Cola) but also because I’m pretty sure that taxes won’t stop people from buying sweetened beverages. If soda is really affecting us, “both activists and the government should take immediate steps to make it illegal”. As the advertising Age states even though this quote asserts that it won’t happen, it wouldn’t be a bad idea. I would personally not buy it if I know I’ll get in trouble for drinking it. If you think about it, does a couple of cents would really stop you from buying a drink that you already taste in your mouth as soon as you go inside that grocery store? …Yea it wouldn’t stop me either. For example sometimes when I go to the store I always want to buy a little bottle of coke but then I rather pay a couple of cents more and just get the litter, and the funny thing is that is always like that. I drink coke probably 4 to 5 times a week and every time I’m around the house even though I just want a little sip I still go and get the big one. So I think this idea of putting taxes in sodas is not going to help anyone but the governments. Another quote says “soda, by itself, isn’t a silent killer. And soda taxes aren’t a miracle cure for anything other than budget gaps” sarcastic, but real. Quotes like this make me think twice before even considering the idea of accepting these taxes. If the price goes up by a big amount maybe then we would stop buying these drinks but a couple of cents won’t make a difference, it would only help “others” budgets and that’s when I wonder does the government really care about the country’s health?

"Soda Taxes Are Nothing More Than A Money Grab." Advertising Age 15 Mar. 2010, NEWS sec

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Poor working conditions, low pay wages

Is it fair to work hard long hours, and just get paid enough to pay rent? I personally don’t think so. This one of the biggest problems employees in fast food restaurants experience every day, is the fact of getting pay low wage salaries after working many hours a day and getting a half and our break if they get to have one And know that by the end of the week they are going to have enough money only to pay rent and buy groceries. This may affect teenagers a lot,and because of this reason they don’t get to focus on school, but imagine how hard is it for the other employees who have to support houses;and what about their other needs? They need to buy clothes for them and their kids, school supplies, furniture and other things for their houses, or maybe support their families in other countries. They have to choose if either get an extra job to earn enough to support their houses and families, which wouldn't allow them to be with their families and or get to spend some time with their kids and cut other necessities.
“While the real value of the wages paid to restaurant workers has declined for the past three decades, the earnings of restaurant company executives have risen considerably” As Eric Schlosser states pg 173 behind the counter. Is not fear that when we employees do a lot more work than managers get paid so little.

The cheery faces of McDonald's employees seen in television commercials mask the reality behind the counter, a group of former fast-food workers suggested yesterday. Other complaints include low wages usually the minimum wage, unpaid overtime and on-the-job accidents. As this article from lexisNexis (poor working conditions, low paid among complaints) states. Their salaries are so low that they don’t even feel like being at work, and the worse part of everything is the fact that some employees are force to stay there since that’s their only option to get money for many reasons for example: age, gender, some others are illegal, or they just can’t find another job.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Which is the right age to start working? Could it be at the age of fifteen, when most teenagers are starting to work par time jobs at fast food restaurants? I certainly don’t believe so, and is not just because of the age is the fact that teenagers have so many other things in mind like school, relationships, family conflicts, what’s new on fashion and many other things that at this age is kind of hard to deal with all of them at the same time and not go crazy.

As the paragraph in Eric Scholosser, behind the counter pg80 states “ A report on child labor published by the National Academy of Science in 1998, concluded that the long hours many American teenagers now spend on the job pose a great risk to their future educational and financial success.”
Working may be a good thing for teenagers, it helps them increased not just their personal responsibility but their self esteem. But of course it all depends on how many hours they spend at work. It’s really difficult to focus on school when working for certain hours, after coming back from work the only thing in mind is the bed and the guilty thought of not doing the homework. This is one of the many reasons as why teenagers drop out of high school, and lose their minds. Is so much the stress these experience, that they lose interest in school and everything else, sometimes the only thing in their head is getting money.

I personally have experience working at a fast food restaurant (Mc Donald’s) in which I got to lived many of the effects of having a job while being in high school. My schedule was to get up at 6 in the morning get ready and go to school from 7: 45 to 2:30 pm, after I would come home eat something really quick and than go to work from 4 to 11 most of the times. After coming back from work I was so tired that I would just go to bed without even eating, and this was a routine every day. My parents told me many times to stop working but I was so used to getting my check that I wasn’t able to quick. It is really difficult to deal with school, work, relationships at the same time that I used to feel like crying without even having a reason, it was just the stress I had that a couple of times when I just wanted to give everything up. Working a lot of hours can definitely affect teenager’s lives.

Monday, March 15, 2010

McDonald's More Than Just A Famous Brand

McDonald’s more than just a famous brand.

When we talk about the best fast food, we talk about a hundred of companies who compete every day to be recognized. This is a process that takes a lot more than just choosing a name or a logo to represent a company. It goes from what type of food is going to be sale, how well is the brand being advertise, how many different products representing the brand can be sale and finding the best strategy to get people to buy their products. In this case, I will share the experiences I have had while being at McDonald’s and the many things I discovered.
When I first came into the store, there was a big sign showing a promotion they had of 2 filet o fish for only $3.00 the picture had a bright background and the sandwich looked provocative. The whole store was colorful and divided in different sections, there was the two seat tables, four seat tables and they even had some big round ones where you could probably fit 8 people, and of course you can’t leave the baby seats out. While I was waiting on the line, I noticed that, almost every single person asked for the two apple pies that were in the dollar menu, and of course the French fries. When I finally got my order I realize that every little thing had a logo of McDonald’s (the cup, the box where the burger was, the bag with the fries and even the tray. I also notice that the large side cup had a picture of people playing sports. But one of the things that caught my attention the most was the kid’s meals. They had their own menu where you could find (apple slices, apple juice box, white milk or chocolate milk, nuggets, burgers and of course the most important thing of the happy meal the Toy. There is also a little section where they had cartoons and toys to pick.
After reading a section of the book Fast Food Nation: The dark side all of American meal by Eric Schlosser; many thoughts came to my head things that I usually don’t pay attention to, things that I would have never thought while being at a McDonald’s. In his book he explains the dark side of big companies, the things us costumers don’t know about and the many strategies these companies use in order to get clients. James U. McNeal, a professor of marketing at Texas A&M University provides marketers with a thorough analysis of “children’s requesting styles and appeals.” He classifies juvenile nagging tactics into major categories, as Schlosser says. Marketers study children behavior, they analyze the things they like, why they like them, what is their idea of a Fantasy world and bring all these ideas into the company’s products. The toy McDonald’s was offering that day was an I Carly toy and “coincidentally” this is one of the most famous television shows of the moment. Is unbelievable the idea of having people out there studying us and our kids. The things we do, the things we like and dislike, and why we like them. And all of this to give companies another chance to get us to buy their products.
These companies don’t miss a thing, not just they show us advertisings of food, but they give us the opportunity to combined that with our favorite sports, and for our kids their favorite cartoons. All these reasons are what make them successful, because they study every little thing before putting it out to the market.